Thursday, December 15, 2011

Eldora Gold Resources Set to Trade on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

March 4, 2011

(Winona) – Eldora Gold Resources Ltd., a mineral recovery company, is proud to announce that its listing and trading is expected to begin the week of March 14 on the First Quotation Board (Open Market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.  The company symbol ER5 was assigned last month by Deutsche Börse.  
Eldora is currently showcasing its physical separation process, called GravSep™, at the PDAC conference in Toronto.  The GravSep™ enables the company to extract valuable mineral content from tailings, and eventually returning those cleaned tailings back to the environment.  Eldora Gold’s Tailings Processing division will begin to establish a new mill on its first prioritized tailings disposal site in Kirkland Lake, Canada, having already conducted on-site sample testing and results evaluation. 
Historically, tailings have always been an unwanted byproduct of mining from an environmental standpoint, greatly affecting wildlife and water tables negatively.  GravSep™ drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.  The result is cleaner tailings. The profitable sale of the recovered mineral concentrate provides mine owners incentive to use Eldora Gold technology to stop the continued destruction of the environment.  
Profitably addressing the critical clean-up challenges facing current owners of former mining sites, the chemical-free GravSep™ process enables niche deposits anywhere in the world to be considered for successful treatment and rehabilitation, while extracting and recovering mineral concentrates that have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ. 
Eldora Gold provides portable and simple to maintain equipment that can be specifically tailored to each deposit.  Once extracted, these concentrates will contain the majority of minerals with recoverable metallic values presently residing in the tailings, which coincidentally are the minerals responsible for the adverse environmental consequences of the original tailings’ disposal.
Eldora Gold Resources Ltd. is a Canadian company, dedicated to evaluating and prioritizing tailings ponds, as well as the chemical-free recovery and sale of extracted minerals in the form of a valuable concentrate; Eldora Gold is listing its common shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol ER5), Open Market.

Eldora Gold Resources Now Trading on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

March 17, 2011 By eldora

(Winona) – Eldora Gold Resources Ltd., a mineral recovery company, is proud to announce its stock is now trading as of March 14 on the First Quotation Board (Open Market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.  “The response has been phenomenal,” says Eldora Gold president Sonny Wilcox.  The company symbol ER5 was assigned last month by Deutsche Börse.  

Eldora successfully showcased its physical separation process, called GravSep™, at the PDAC conference in Toronto last week.  The GravSep™ enables the company to extract valuable mineral content from tailings, and eventually returning those cleaned tailings back to the environment.  Eldora Gold’s Tailings Processing division will begin to establish a new mill on its first prioritized tailings disposal site in Kirkland Lake, Canada, having already conducted on-site sample testing and results evaluation. 

Historically, tailings have always been an unwanted byproduct of mining from an environmental standpoint, greatly affecting wildlife and water tables negatively.  GravSep™ drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.  The result is cleaner tailings. The profitable sale of the recovered mineral concentrate provides mine owners incentive to use Eldora Gold technology to stop the continued destruction of the environment.  

Profitably addressing the critical clean-up challenges facing current owners of former mining sites, the chemical-free GravSep™ process enables niche deposits anywhere in the world to be considered for successful treatment and rehabilitation, while extracting and recovering mineral concentrates that have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ. 

Eldora Gold provides portable and simple to maintain equipment that can be specifically tailored to each deposit.  Once extracted, these concentrates will contain the majority of minerals with recoverable metallic values presently residing in the tailings, which coincidentally are the minerals responsible for the adverse environmental consequences of the original tailings’ disposal.

Eldora Gold Resources Ltd. is a Canadian company, dedicated to evaluating and prioritizing tailings ponds, as well as the chemical-free recovery and sale of extracted minerals in the form of a valuable concentrate; Eldora Gold is listing its common shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol ER5), Open Market.

Eldora Gold Resources Announces Ticker Symbol; Set to Trade on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

February 11, 2011 (Winona) – Eldora Gold Resources Ltd., a mineral recovery company, announced today its trading symbol ER5 has been assigned by Deutsche Börse.  The company expects to start trading on the First Quotation Board (Open Market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on Monday, March 7.
In making this exciting announcement, Eldora Gold’s Tailings Processing division will begin to establish a new mill on its first prioritized tailings disposal site in Kirkland Lake, Canada, having already conducted on-site sample testing and results evaluation.  This proprietary milling operation will involve establishing a physical separation process, called GravSep™, in order to extract valuable mineral content from tailings, and eventually returning those cleaned tailings back to the environment.
Historically, tailings have always been an unwanted byproduct of mining from an environmental standpoint, greatly affecting wildlife and water tables negatively.  GravSep™ drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.  The result is cleaner tailings. The profitable sale of the recovered mineral concentrate provides mine owners incentive to use Eldora Gold technology to stop the continued destruction of the environment.  
Profitably addressing the critical clean-up challenges facing current owners of former mining sites, the chemical-free GravSep™ process enables niche deposits anywhere in the world to be considered for successful treatment and rehabilitation, while extracting and recovering mineral concentrates that have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ. 
Eldora Gold provides portable and simple to maintain equipment that can be specifically tailored to each deposit.  Once extracted, these concentrates will contain the majority of minerals with recoverable metallic values presently residing in the tailings, which coincidentally are the minerals responsible for the adverse environmental consequences of the original tailings’ disposal.
Eldora Gold Resources Ltd. is a Canadian company, dedicated to evaluating and prioritizing tailings ponds, as well as the chemical-free recovery and sale of extracted minerals in the form of a valuable concentrate; Eldora Gold is listing its common shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol ER5), Open Market.
Eldora Gold Resources Canada was founded by a group of experts in the mineral recovery and mining industry, whose focus is to provide accurate information, state of the art equipment and outstanding customer service. Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a proprietary separation technique for extracting mineral content from mining tailings.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eldora Gold Resources Initial GravSep ™ Environmental Tests Provide Positive Results; Eldora’s First Step toward Rehabilitating Tailings Ponds

 (Toronto) – Eldora Gold Resources Inc. is pleased to announce the results of a recently completed acid base accounting (ABA) analysis.  This static environmental analysis was performed by AGAT Laboratories of Mississauga, Ontario on a sample of rougher tailing material from the GravSep™ pilot plant conducted at the Kirkland Lake tailings site.

Eldora is encouraged by the Net Neutralization Potential (NNP) value of 66.2, as values of NNP greater than 20 are not likely to produce acid.  The NP/AP value of 3.38 suggests that the material falls in the “not potentially acid rock drainage generating unless extremely reactive sulphides are present with insufficiently reactive neutralizing potential” category.  The paste pH value of 8.06 indicates that the material will likely remain sufficiently alkaline. 
Eldora researchers will conduct follow up testing involving the planting of hemlock seedlings in a 6 cm humus layer on GravSep™ rougher tailing while continuing to test the potential for sustained rehabilitation efforts.  This will enable a soil base which may support vegetative rehabilitation without resorting to further and ongoing chemical treatment.
The Eldora seedlings test is designed to check if vegetative rehabilitation in the form of the original forest cover can be achieved with no requirement to add carbonate (usually limestone) or supply a humus cover of at least 0.5 metre.  The ‘standard treatment’ for the rehabilitation of sulphide tailings ponds involves:

a) Catching and treating the runoff and groundwater for dissolved metals,
b) Monitoring the above for approx 100 years,
c) Adding sufficient carbonate to the tailings sands to neutralize anticipated acid generation, and
d) Covering the contoured sands with at least 0.5 metre of humus or composted organics and establishing a grass cover.
Clearly, if Eldora’s method can be proven in the field, it will represent a major cost savings over current standard practice, and set up conditions for future harvesting of a renewable resource: tailings.
Profitably addressing the critical clean-up challenges that face owners of former mining sites globally, the chemical-free GravSep™ process enables niche deposits to be considered for successful treatment and rehabilitation, while extracting and recovering valuable mineral concentrates which have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ.  Eldora Gold provides portable and simple to maintain equipment that can be specifically tailored to each deposit.
Tailings have always been an unwanted byproduct of mining from an environmental standpoint, greatly affecting wildlife and water tables for years to come.  GravSep™ drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.  The result is cleaner tailings.  The profitable sale of the recovered mineral concentrate provides the incentive to use Eldora Gold technology to stop the destruction of the environment.

Eldora Gold Resources Canada Developed New Proprietary Separation Technique

Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a proprietary separation technique for extracting mineral content from mining tailings. Our technology has no up-front cost to the client due to the low capital cost of the equipment.

Eldora Gold will start by verifying the mineral content of the tailings through certified sample testing and, if successful, we will supply the equipment and training necessary to extract the mineral concentrate. We also provide the buyer for the extracted concentrate.

The fee for these services is an agreed upon percentage of the mineral concentrate sale which is typically in the range of one third of the concentrate sale price. The fee to Eldora Gold is only payable after the sale of the concentrate resulting in no risk to the customer.

The technology behind our processing technique is completely chemical free and proprietary. Extensive development and years of experience have resulted in a technique that not only extracts the majority of valuable mineral content of the tailings, it leaves the remaining tailings with a significantly lower content of the acid forming minerals from the original ores.

Tailings have always been an unwanted by-product of mining from an environmental standpoint. These tailings are left in piles and leach environmentally destructive materials into the surrounding soil.

This greatly affects wildlife and water tables for years to come. Our process drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.

The result is cleaner tailings and the extraction of significant amounts of valuable minerals. The sale of the mineral concentrate provides significant profit to the customer and provides the incentive to use our technology to stop the destruction of the environment.

Eldora Gold Resources Canada was founded by a group of experts in the mineral recovery and mining industry, whose focus is to provide accurate information, state of the art equipment and outstanding customer service. Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a proprietary separation technique for extracting mineral content from mining tailings.

GravSep™ Launched by Eldora Gold Resources

Toronto, Canada – Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a proprietary separation technique for extracting mineral content from mining tailings.

Eldora Gold Resources announced the completion of its first pilot plant - GravSep™.  Eldora Gold Resources’ GravSep™ helps on physical separation processes to extract a concentrate from the first selected mill tailings site in Kirkland Lake, Canada. 

Our technology has no up-front cost to the client due to the low capital cost of the equipment. Eldora Gold will start by verifying the mineral content of the tailings through certified sample testing and we will supply the equipment and training necessary to extract the mineral concentrate.

The process includes the preparation of a recirculating water pond. After pulping the excavated feed and pumping the pulp through the physical separation process, Eldora Gold Resources anticipates ultimately discharging a tailing material in a form suitable for environmental rehabilitation of the site.

Based on initial testing, that the auspicious debut (1/2 tonne per hour) of GravSep™ will result in not only the recovery of valued minerals, but also the rehabilitation of former tailings sites.  Given the assembly of its portable equipment, Eldora intends to provide a dual benefit from the operation of GravSep™ units: by marketing the resultant concentrate into suitable channels and also providing a low-energy green solution to mining communities.

The GravSep™ is designed to be scalable, and is suited for small deposits less than 300,000 tonnes that cannot support permanent high capital cost equipment installations.  The anticipated advantages for Eldora’s proprietary environmentally-friendly physical separation processing, which can be tailored to each specific deposit, now include potential  for successful treatment and rehabilitation for many smaller size deposits using simple to maintain and operate equipment, as well as chemical-free processing. Pumping is the single major energy input, and it extracts and recovers valuable mineral concentrates which also have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ.

From an environmental standpoint, tailings have always been an unwanted by-product of mining.  These tailings are left in piles and potentially leach environmentally-destructive materials into the surrounding soil and groundwater.  Processing tailings thus also reduces the negative environmental impact of remaining minerals from the original mining process.

About Eldora Gold Resources

Eldora Gold Resources Canada Inc. is seeking to extract gold from tailings ponds located on inactive metal mine properties.  Based on the company’s expertise and experience in the mining industry, Eldora Gold provides for its clients strategic property evaluations, sample testing of existing tailings, and an environmentally-friendly solution to deliver new gold: GravSep™.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Eldora Gold Resources Gold Heading for Another Bull Run

The price of gold is appearing as if it is set up for another bull run. Is this from any sophisticated technical chart analysis? No, it is merely from examining the chart of the gold price (using the GLD ETF as a proxy) and observing the similarity of patterns that seems to be matching the gold price's rise from the consolidations of last summer. Here and now, we have just witnessed gold's price gyrate up and down ... gold just feels like it is headed for new highs.

Note that the price is just now making a fourth attempt in as many months to penetrate the new high price set in as many months. Last summer saw a similar situation, where the price made about five attempts before finally setting a new high on or about September 1. This consolidation also lasted about four months. Then, when the price set a new high at September's start, the "Gold Bull Run" was off and running for the fall.
Are there any other factors that may help the investor allay his fears of a pending crash in the price of gold, rather than starting a new bull run? Here are three significant factors underpinning gold's price:
1. Inflation of Paper Currencies
The markets interpret the FOMC's previous pronouncements as inflationary for paper currencies, and this effect is expected to continue until there are some indications of inflation being reined in. This currency inflation is a fundamental driver for the precious metals.
2. Rise of the World's Middle Class Supporting Gold Prices
There is a rising middle class as the world's emerging markets continue to grow and gain parity with the world's developed markets. The size of the world's middle class growth is largest in the Asian economies and of a scale that the world has never before seen. Asians have a particular affinity for the precious metals due to their history and culture of precious metals being a store of wealth. This buying by emerging middle classes provides a strong base of support for precious metals prices.
3. Peak Gold Is Coming Due to Higher Costs and Lower Grades
Barrick Gold's (ABX) chief executive Aaron Regent already declared a state of "peak gold" in 2009. The thesis is that gold mining is difficult, and the challenges of increasing costs, lower gold grades, and difficult operating environments all coalesce to decrease gold production supply. This "peak gold" dynamic is ensuring that the new production supply of precious metals will be constrained in the future.
Therefore, the chart above merely reflects the market's reaction to the fundamental drivers affecting gold prices. Currency inflation is the prime driver. Buying from Asia supports the price during corrections. Future gold supply is constrained by peak gold. With these factors affecting gold prices, is it any wonder that a significant rise is in store?
Disclosure: The author is long junior miners, including precious metals miners.
Gold Heading for Another Bull Run article by Marco G. is all about investment in precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium. Our experts will provide you with a useful information about gold and other precious metals investment strategy every day. Stay tuned!

Eldora Gold Resources Set to Showcase GravSep™ at Upcoming PDAC Conference in Canada

(Toronto) – Held annually in Toronto, the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) produces the world’s leading convention and trade show for the mineral exploration industry. Eldora Gold is pleased to announce it will be participating in the Prospectors Tent at PDAC 2011, excited to showcase both GravSep™ and early results from the Kirkland Lake project.  The PDAC Trade Show attracts 22,000 delegates from 118 countries, and features 400 exhibitors showcasing the latest technologies, products, services and mining jurisdictions to the global mining industry.
The sold out Trade Show, appeals to critical decision-makers within companies, organizations and governments, and provides Eldora Gold an excellent forum to renew international acquaintances and introduce GravSep™ to possible strategic partners.  Also joining these decision makers are consultants, exploration managers and development professionals, geoscientists, prospectors, mining service sector representatives and mining media from around the globe.
To promote the company, target potential clients and foster new business opportunities, Eldora Gold will operate Booth 3207, March 6-9 2011.  Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a physical separation process, called GravSep™, for extracting mineral content from tailings.  
Upon conducting sample testing and evaluating those results, Eldora Gold’s Tailings Processing division intends to set up a milling operation on its first prioritized tailings disposal site in Kirkland Lake.  Extracted concentrates will contain the majority of the minerals with recoverable metallic values residing in the tailings, which coincidentally are the minerals responsible for the adverse environmental consequences of the original tailings’ disposal.
Profitably addressing the critical clean-up challenges that face owners of former mining sites globally, the chemical-free GravSep™ process enables niche deposits to be considered for successful treatment and rehabilitation, while extracting and recovering valuable mineral concentrates which have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ.  Eldora Gold provides portable and simple to maintain equipment that can be specifically tailored to each deposit.
Tailings have always been an unwanted byproduct of mining from an environmental standpoint, greatly affecting wildlife and water tables for years to come.  GravSep™ drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.  The result is cleaner tailings. The profitable sale of the recovered mineral concentrate provides the incentive to use Eldora Gold technology to stop the destruction of the environment.

Eldora Gold Resources Launches GravSep™; Process Set to Rehabilitate Tailings Sites

(Toronto) – Eldora Gold proudly announces it has completed the assembly of its premiere pilot plant, dubbed GravSep™, to assist with the extensive process testing phase.  With GravSep™ on site, Eldora will use a combination of physical separation processes to extract a concentrate from the first selected mill tailings site in Kirkland Lake, Canada.  This concentrate will contain the majority of the recoverable metallic values in these former tailings, as well as the majority of the minerals responsible for the adverse environmental consequences of the original tailings disposal.

The proprietary process includes the preparation of a recirculating water pond, whereby final tailing separation from pulping water will provide recirculating water for pulping fresh feed, thus no continuous use of fresh water is required. After pulping the excavated feed and pumping the pulp through the physical separation process, Eldora anticipates ultimately discharging a tailing material in a form suitable for environmental rehabilitation of the site.
Eldora Gold anticipates, based on initial testing, that the auspicious debut (1/2 tonne per hour) of GravSep™ will result in not only the recovery of valued minerals, but also the rehabilitation of former tailings sites.  Given the assembly of its portable equipment, Eldora intends to provide a dual benefit from the operation of GravSep™ units: by marketing the resultant concentrate into suitable channels and also providing a low-energy green solution to mining communities.
The GravSep™ is designed to be scalable, and is suited for small deposits less than 300,000 tonnes that cannot support permanent high capital cost equipment installations.  The anticipated advantages for Eldora’s proprietary environmentally-friendly physical separation processing, which can be tailored to each specific deposit, now include potential  for successful treatment and rehabilitation for many smaller size deposits using simple to maintain and operate equipment, as well as chemical-free processing. Pumping is the single major energy input, and it extracts and recovers valuable mineral concentrates which also have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ.
From an environmental standpoint, tailings have always been an unwanted by-product of mining.  These tailings are left in piles and potentially leach environmentally-destructive materials into the surrounding soil and groundwater.  Processing tailings thus also reduces the negative environmental impact of remaining minerals from the original mining process.