Thursday, December 15, 2011

Eldora Gold Resources Announces Ticker Symbol; Set to Trade on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

February 11, 2011 (Winona) – Eldora Gold Resources Ltd., a mineral recovery company, announced today its trading symbol ER5 has been assigned by Deutsche Börse.  The company expects to start trading on the First Quotation Board (Open Market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on Monday, March 7.
In making this exciting announcement, Eldora Gold’s Tailings Processing division will begin to establish a new mill on its first prioritized tailings disposal site in Kirkland Lake, Canada, having already conducted on-site sample testing and results evaluation.  This proprietary milling operation will involve establishing a physical separation process, called GravSep™, in order to extract valuable mineral content from tailings, and eventually returning those cleaned tailings back to the environment.
Historically, tailings have always been an unwanted byproduct of mining from an environmental standpoint, greatly affecting wildlife and water tables negatively.  GravSep™ drastically reduces the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.  The result is cleaner tailings. The profitable sale of the recovered mineral concentrate provides mine owners incentive to use Eldora Gold technology to stop the continued destruction of the environment.  
Profitably addressing the critical clean-up challenges facing current owners of former mining sites, the chemical-free GravSep™ process enables niche deposits anywhere in the world to be considered for successful treatment and rehabilitation, while extracting and recovering mineral concentrates that have significant deleterious environmental effects when left in-situ. 
Eldora Gold provides portable and simple to maintain equipment that can be specifically tailored to each deposit.  Once extracted, these concentrates will contain the majority of minerals with recoverable metallic values presently residing in the tailings, which coincidentally are the minerals responsible for the adverse environmental consequences of the original tailings’ disposal.
Eldora Gold Resources Ltd. is a Canadian company, dedicated to evaluating and prioritizing tailings ponds, as well as the chemical-free recovery and sale of extracted minerals in the form of a valuable concentrate; Eldora Gold is listing its common shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol ER5), Open Market.
Eldora Gold Resources Canada was founded by a group of experts in the mineral recovery and mining industry, whose focus is to provide accurate information, state of the art equipment and outstanding customer service. Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a proprietary separation technique for extracting mineral content from mining tailings.

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